Re: MD Partisan Politics, Labels and Distraction (was terrorism)

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Oct 17 2005 - 22:26:35 BST

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD Cooperation, Profit and Some Thoughts"

    > [Arlo]
    > Like I said, its not that I "dont get" or acknowledge that there exists
    > people who call themselves "conservatives" and people who call themselves
    > "liberals". As far as using these words, I have no problem. When I use them
    > in scarequotes, as is nearly always the case (unless sleep deprivation has
    > kicked in) it is to acknowledge that these self-acclaimed people exist, but
    > to deny that all of reality can be captured by the cultural dichotomy
    > (evidenced here in this forum by Platt). Hence, I've never denied there are
    > "conservatives" or "liberals", and so will use those words (in scarequotes)
    > to faciliate the discussion at hand. But I won't use them in support of the
    > either-or, good-evil, right-wrong split many want to go along with it.

    Since when have I said or implied that "all reality can be captured by the
    cultural dichotomy." Let's see your evidence.

    Furthermore, you ought to back up your implication that one who engages in
    "critical thinking" cannot possibly be a liberal or a conservative
    (despite tons of evidence on this site to the contrary) but must be some
    sort of a wishy-washy fence sitter.


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