RE: MD Chaos and its role in Evolution

From: Case (
Date: Thu Oct 27 2005 - 13:29:31 BST

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    I suspect he isn't faking.


    From: [mailto: ]
    On Behalf Of Robert Warlov
    Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:51 PM
    Subject: Re: MD Chaos and its role in Evolution

    wow mark, you have such long breath, such long sentences. your the biggest
    unmittagated asshole I've discovered on the net to date!
    Why don' t you write something helpful-- forward the omnibus to greater
    'betterness' instead of trying to impress people with you're childish fained
    mental illness.
    Robert Warlov

    On 10/26/05, mark maxwell < > wrote:

            the future is dynamic, read chaotic,
            i suspect you understand this to be crap.
            because it is in principle unknown.
            Empirical observation tells a rather different story;
            it says there has been a progression towards
            'betterness' in evolutionary history, and that's not
            chaotic is it?
            My own view is
            That you like to dress up as Shirley Temple, blond wig
            and lollipop sitting astride a fluffy white Lamb.
            Slinky pink one piece and smeared cherry red lip
            stick. Enjoys a good fisting.
            I hate to agree with Platt
            Not at all, he goes in for the 'saucy Nun' look with
            black fishnets, whip and baby oil. Likes it rough.
            Crucifixion and verbal abuse included.
            Hose down and sanitation provided.
            but while commercialism is crass it is hard to imagine
            what could replace it.
            Human beings lacking appreciation of measure,
            proportion, sensitivity of touch, creativity,
            imagination, integrity and vision agree with you.
            How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday
            snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos
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