RE: MD Maxwell's Silver Hammer or notes from the Bin

Date: Tue Nov 01 2005 - 12:25:38 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Looking for the Primary Difference"

    Case, Matt and all "out-casts"

    30 Oct. Matt wrote:

    > Case, I'm just sad I didn't make it into Mark's list of people in the
    > bin, which must be only people on his recent shit list, and so missed
    > my opportunity to be in the poem. It truly is a fine poem. I
    > remember the days when I was newly cast into the bin, with at the time
    > Bo "Captain" Skutvik and John "Beastley" Beasley. Mark has a long
    > list. He used to use the handle "Squonk" back then.

    ...and Case:

    > Bang! Bang! Maxwell's Silver Hammer
    > Has come down upon my head
    > Henceforth Mark will have no truck
    > With thoughts that turn his face to red.
    > But it seems it's not a mortal sin.
    > I'm not alone in Maxwell's bin.
    > The range of thought he renders naught
    > Come, too, from Bo, Ham, Platt and Scott.


    All villages have their idiots and the split personality whose last
    identity is Siddhartha Gautama - AKA Mark Maxwell and
    Squonkstail - has plagued this discussion from time immemorial.
    At first he licked my boots, but soon turned vicious, and this
    pattern has followed him and by now he has "assholed" about all.
    He says he has us on his filtering-out list, but must monitor the
    postings most thoroughly because he constantly returns with
    comments. His "philosophy" nobody understands so this is
    obviously the only way to get some attention. I have the honor of
    having received his death wish.


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