RE: MD pragMATTic

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Mar 09 2003 - 02:12:58 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Pirsig's conception of ritual"

    Rick and Matt EE:

    RICK said:
        Catch all that? Dewey carved experience into what could accurately be
    described as static and dynamic aspects and stated that both are essential
    to metaphysics. He disposed of 'substance' as well as some other
    traditional metaphysical causality, and replaced them with
    an 'event ontology' which sounds chillingly like Pirsig's 'quality events'.
    He draws attention to the 'ineffable qualitative character' of events and
    explains how they are connected by patterns of change and development...etc.
    DMB says:
    Wow. Thanks. Fresh air! This is a far different picture of pragmatism than I
    had been getting from Matt EE and others. And I as I read the Dewey quote,
    my jaw dropped further and further to the ground. I immediately saw the
    Pirsigisms in it too, and was thrilled to see you confirm those first
    impressions. My distaste for pragmatism has all bur evaporated. Bravo.
    Standing ovation.

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