From: David M (
Date: Thu Nov 03 2005 - 18:59:18 GMT
Hi people
Is the reality just simply that there is a pre-intellectual
awareness of the effects that are impacting our bodies
and are in fact differentiated between sight, sound, smell ,touch
and taste. After that we start super-differentiating, via images, memories
and eventually words and concepts. All this differentiating
allows us to create a more complex life-world, but the bringing
of certain qualities into the foreground pushes others into the
background and makes something partial from a whole,
and is therefore a dual covering and uncovering process.
Right or wrong?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Hamilton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: MD Rhetoric
> Matt wrote:
>> So, thanks for your time DMB, the conversation was interesting.
> For the love of God, don't stop now! I thought you'd finally boiled it
> down to the crux of your disagreement. Matt thinks that all experience
> can be described in any terms, including scientific/physical terms.
> DMB disagrees in one particular case, because he thinks that
> everything emanates from pre-intellectual experience, so that to
> describe pre-intellectual experience in terms of anything else is a
> "category mistake", as I think Scott called it.
> Of course I could be talking shit. But I found your lengthy writings
> very illuminating, on the whole, although I think a little brevity,
> now and again, might serve your arguments better. Trouble is, the more
> you write, the more things you find to disagree about (or the more you
> just annoy each other!)
> Regards,
> Mike
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