RE: MD Changes

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Mar 09 2003 - 17:19:10 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Making sense of it (levels)"

    Steve asked:
    DMB, would I be correct to interpret your definition of socialism as
    "intellectually guided society"? I wonder if you and Platt mean the same
    thing when you use the term "socialism." To what extent should the
    government regulate economics?

    DMB says:
    Right. Pirsig's definition of Communism and Socialism, "programs for the
    intellectual control over society", is precisely what changed my mind. To my
    parents, friends and the devout conservative political science teacher I had
    in college, Communism and Socialism were dirty words. To them, these words
    mean little more than "tyranny". But thanks to Pirsig and others I now
    understand that these ideologies were and are intended to address the moral
    objections to capitalism, namely that it is exploitive and sometimes even
    cruel. And this moral objection determines the extent to which the economy
    should be regulated. Rights and freedoms have to trump money. Do I think the
    government should take control of key industries or anything like that?
    Absolutely not. Nobody is smart enough to do such a thing well. To cite
    concrete examples, I think the New Deal was a good deal. Canada, France and
    the Netherlands have it about right.

    Do Platt and I have different ideas about what constitutes socialism.
    Clearly. I think we even have different idea about conservatism.

    Platt said:
    The MOQ hasn't changed my conservative political views in the least.
    Rather, it has confirmed the indispensable values of political liberty and
    individual freedom which allow for responses to DQ to bear fruit.

    Oxford Companion defines liberalism:
    "Liberalism is distinguished by the importance it attaches to the civil and
    political rights of individuals. Liberals demand a substantial realm of
    personal freedom - including freedom of conscience, speech, association,
    occupation and more recently, sexuality - which the state should not intrude
    upon, except to protect others from harm."

    And defines the New Right:
    Vague label for a cluster of political doctrines emerging from conservatism
    and contrasting with it in their demand for political change. New Right
    thinkeres believe that political decline can be arrested only by encouraging
    individual initiatives and competition. This requires a reduction in the
    welfare provision and redistributive taxation which characterizedsocialism.
    The resulting emphasis on the minimal state distinguishes the New Right form
    Fascism and pushes some toward libertarianism. however, the New Right
    embraces nationalism, sometimes based, like its individualism, on a form of
    social Darwinism.

    I think the latter pretty well describes today's Republican party and
    Platt's views.

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