From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Thu Nov 10 2005 - 14:53:35 GMT
[Ham wrote]
Recently I've noticed some rather bizzare expressions being recirculated in this
thread which make no sense to me... [snip]... I don't know what such terms as
"redescription" (a favorite of Matt now altered to "reconceptualization") and
"semiosis" have to do with the Primary Difference.
Semiosis is no more a "bizarre expression" than "Primary Difference". And I'm
not sure I was responding to anything other than Case's statement that semiosis
doesn't factor in much of human behavior. My contention is the anything that is
"out of the moment" of pure experience is, in fact, necessarily semiotically
mediated. Value relationist judgement, for example. And that many signs that
are culturally used to generate pre-intellectual experience must be recognized
as signs first, prior to their effect (looking at a painting by Rembrandt, was
one example).
As for the intelligence of trees, you're on your own with that.
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