From: jhmau (
Date: Mon Mar 10 2003 - 02:36:09 GMT
I would like to go back to your post of 4 March 2003 11:07 AM and quote how
beautifully you described the corner.
"Pirsig seems to stike the view that you don't need epistemology. It's all
Wow! An instinctive sensing of reality. What a novel idea. I should be
able to find many ways out of this corner, if I looked.
"You simply need to systematize your thoughts."
Uh! Do you think there are a few laws to the system. It's all new, I don't
think Pirsig has enumerated them all. Maybe in the system there is an
explanation of a way out of the corner. Wow! What a journey!
"As Kevin says, 'Pirsig is committed to foundations. He's committed to
offering a firm context for operating.'"
When I operate I form my soul. Can I imagine a new aspect of a soul that is
tied to evolution? Can I imagine a new context to describe something new.
Of course, hypotheses are infinite. Do I have to deny what the old has to
say? I think evolution is from the old, not a denial of the old.
"Completing the post-modern turn, however, defuses any attempt at firmness"
So many different directions to explore, and do you opt for a statement of
faith, a dogma that leads to "floating through the air" to escape? Again, I
ask, whatever has happened to purpose?
"The 'creation' is the point of the post-modern turn."
Sure! By training my instincts I form my soul! I have to describe how a
movement has formed its own soul by evolving one person at a time. I form my
way, by describing evolution, out of the corner. Now why didn't I think of
that? I guess I am not a philosopher. A propos of nothing, I am prejudiced
against the word 'creation.'
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