RE: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Mon Mar 10 2003 - 02:53:32 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 15:08:00 -0700"

    Matt and all:

    Matt said on 4 March 2003:
    "Pirsig seems to stike the view that you don't need epistemology. It's all
    Pirsig said on the second page of chapter 8:
    "The MOQ subscribes to what is called empiricism. It claims that all
    legitimate human knowledge arises from the senses or by thinking about what
    the senses provide. Most empiricists deny the validity of any knowledge
    gained through imagination, authority, tradition or purely theoretical
    reasoning. They regard fields such as art, morality, religion and
    metaphysics as unverifiable. The MOQ varies from this by saying that the
    values of art and morality and even religious mysticism are verifiable, and
    that in the past they have been excluded for metaphysical reasons, not
    empirical reasons. They have been excluded because of the metaphysical
    assumption that all the universe is composed of subjects and objects and
    anything that can't be classified as a subject or an object isn't real.
    There is no empirical evidence for this assumption at all. It is just an

    DMB says:
    No epistemology? Its all intuitive? Well, if empiricism isn't epistemology,
    the MOQ's version of it or otherwise, then nothing is and the word has no

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