From: David M (
Date: Sun Nov 20 2005 - 21:02:38 GMT
Is filter a good metaphor?
Do not the different grids we
apply to experience add a wealth
of differences that un-conceptualised we
could not experience?
----- Original Message -----
From: "MarshaV" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: MD Language, SOM, and the MoQ
> Hi Matt,
> I am going to add my puzzlement to this post.
> It seems to me there are two realities experienced by humans. One is a
> reality without interpretation, without a gap, and another reality which
> is filtered through human ideas. Since the first is without
> interpretation and because this list is devoted to MOQ, I'll label it
> Dynamic Quality. If I were forced to further label DQ, I would call it
> All, No-thing-ness or direct experience sans intellect.
> I don't really understand you distinction between "pre-intellectual
> experience" and "non-intellectual experience". What is your point?
> The second reality would be experiences filtered through preconceived
> ideas about reality. For example, I am reading the book ' The Passion of
> the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that Have Shaped Our World
> View', by Richard Tarnas. To me the subject of this book can just as well
> be described as the history of Western filtered reality. It represents
> the major filters (religion, science, philosophy) through which experience
> has been defined. This second type of reality falls into the category of
> static quality. While such a history can tell us something (through
> hindsight) about past interpretations of reality, it cannot tell us about
> the filters that influence our interpretation of reality today.
> Whether 'pre-intellect experience', or 'non-intellect experience', doesn't
> this direct experience represent, even if it's just a momentary
> experience, the Reality from which all static quality (filters) are
> created and destroyed.
> Where am I off the philosophical mark? Am I way out there in LaLa
> (New-Age) land?
> Marsha
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