Re: MD Quality as a Possibility Field

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Tue Nov 22 2005 - 13:30:32 GMT

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    You asked ...
    "How to you see the anthropic principle or entropy relating to quantum

    Answer - I don't. I was just reminding us to be open minded to the
    fact that some (a very few) physicists to this day do not believe that
    "god plays dice".
    For "Anthropic Entropic Principle" (ie Einstein was right) see
    For antidote to the above (normal uncontroversial anthropic principle) see

    My views on Quantum Information ?
    I'm not a theoretical physicist, so I don't do the equations and the
    math, but ...
    Here's a start ... 90% speculative ... (links at the end)

    My original interest in QI was in QuBits in Quantum Computing -
    entities whose states are holistically both 1 and 0 (and all states in
    between) at the same time (me and my dichotomies, eh ?), but that's
    just the start - it gets seriously weird ...

    (BTW David Deutsch - pioneer in QI was very recently awarded a prize
    for his work.

    In reality, you, me, Mark (and many people) are fascinated by the
    ideas of chaos and uncertainty (and coherent sweet spots) at the macro
    level (butterflies in the rainforest, etc) and some of us are
    strangely, fatally attracted to the idea that somehow Heisenberg and
    the quantum uncertainty of (currently accepted) fundamental physics
    must underly it somehow. Too much of a coincidence ?

    The problem is can one quantum event affect another separated by macro
    scale distances ? (Without interveing large scale physics - without
    large scale material and electromagmentic communication) Well yes,
    that's non-locality, action at a distance between quantum events,
    communicating with no time lag, faster than light, with no exchange of
    "particles" .... In fact (with or without the many worlds
    interpretation, or collapsing wave function metaphor) think about
    diffraction gratings or holographic plates - photons interacting with
    physically separated slits or grains and interfereing with each other
    as they do it, despite the macro scale separation. Happens all the
    time - action at a distance, faster than light, (backwards in time
    relatively speaking) without electromagnetic communication. Causality
    as we know it looks thoroughly screwed.

    If you have this kind of communication, you can have coherence - whole
    sets of macro separated quantum events "randomly" occurring in unison,
    synchronised on a large scale. Quantum uncertainty translated to
    larger scales is possible. Proves nothing though.

    We need to wind back. This story now shoots of in several different directions.

    Remember I came into this MoQ space because I'm interesting in
    epistemology and creation and communication of meaning from / between
    interacting things, leading to knowledge and decision making.

    Think Information - fundamentally defined as any "significant"
    "difference" between any two points in "space-time" (Chalmers) - NB
    Significance, Semiosis, where meaning comes from.

    Think Quantum Coherence - maybe the world really is a hologram
    (Talbot, et al) - the interference between many dispersed quantum
    scale events. Where the simplest, most fundamental "significant
    difference" from which all others are constructed are individual
    quantum events - will it / won't it, yes / no, 1 / 0 QuBit (with all
    points between yes / no, 1 / 0 too) A very, very dense information

    A very dense fundamental information model - maybe better evolved that
    a digital computer model of minds, thought and knowledge ? (There are
    a lot of people even now looking at quantum coherence in brain
    processes - after Penrose, Hameroff, etc. I think this is a red
    herring, but we may learn something.)

    Ignoring string theories for a moment - if the world is composed of
    quantum events, it is in a very real sense composed of "information".

    This would have all been idle speculation if I didn't suddenly spot
    that Bleeding Edge Computer Geeks, looking at Quantum Computation
    (commercial exploitation in fast powerful computing devices and
    encryption possibilities), didn't themselves suddenly shout - hey
    we've found the secret of the universe. Holochory / Dirac Nilpotence -
    the world is actually made of information - and its information that
    can be communicated / shared in zero time - a field of interactions /
    differences - quality triplets (a thing / a difference / another
    thing) - a quality field.

    None of it inconsistent with the MoQ.
    Food for thought. (Qubit)
    Any many links within those links .... enjoy.


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