Re: MD Quality, DQ and SQ

From: Rebecca Temmer (
Date: Mon Nov 28 2005 - 00:39:18 GMT

  • Next message: David M: "Re: MD 4th level - The more autonomous level."

    Hey all,
    I was just reading some ZMM last night - my favourite bits when he takes
    down the Dialecticians, and if what Paul says is acceptable about DQ being
    what Pirsig meant by Quality in ZMM then the following has to make sense as

    If arete is the same as quality, and quality (in ZMM) is dynamic quality (in
    Lila)... and dynamic quality is the pre intellectual cutting edge of
    experience, then that's what arete is as well? Does that mean that DQ is
    excellence? Could we say that what is most excellent is what is here right
    now.. and now.. and now...? Live in the now man?

    Or am I confused about Pirsig's conception of the Good??


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