Re: MD Quality, DQ and SQ

From: gav (
Date: Mon Nov 28 2005 - 12:34:38 GMT

  • Next message: gav: "RE: MD What's the Problem?"

    excellence is experienced in the now

    --- Rebecca Temmer <> wrote:

    > Hey all,
    > I was just reading some ZMM last night - my
    > favourite bits when he takes
    > down the Dialecticians, and if what Paul says is
    > acceptable about DQ being
    > what Pirsig meant by Quality in ZMM then the
    > following has to make sense as
    > well:
    > If arete is the same as quality, and quality (in
    > ZMM) is dynamic quality (in
    > Lila)... and dynamic quality is the pre intellectual
    > cutting edge of
    > experience, then that's what arete is as well? Does
    > that mean that DQ is
    > excellence? Could we say that what is most excellent
    > is what is here right
    > now.. and now.. and now...? Live in the now man?
    > Or am I confused about Pirsig's conception of the
    > Good??
    > R

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