Re: MD Quality and Complexity

From: Destination Quality (
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 09:12:27 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD Squonk wrote a Review"

    Hello Andy, I remeber a few discussions that briefly touched the subject of
    Quality and complexity and if my memory serves me well than there has also
    been a more in-depth discussion on this matter, I do not have time to look
    it up maybe you do.

    Further, here is a link that touches the subject, well I think it is more
    hitting very hard than touching but I just found it and have to look over it
    a few more times since it is not very readable written. Though in the light
    of the MOQ problems that have been discussed over the last years it might be
    of great interest to everyone here.
    hope it(the link) comes through:


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