Re: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?

From: johnny moral (
Date: Mon Mar 17 2003 - 15:46:03 GMT

  • Next message: Matthew Stone: "RE: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?"

    Hi Matt and Platt,

    Matt>And in the end, just as before, the notion of Reason becomes
    superfluous when deciding if we are being reasonable or not. The only thing
    judging us is another person.

    But, they are not just using their charm or brute strength, they are trying
    to convice you and others using Reason also, but with what they think is
    greater evidence supporting their reason.

    Reason describes causation, doesn't it? Something happens for a reason. Is
    that the same reason as Reason, or is there a bigger Reason than that? Is
    the big Reason perhaps the overall law that Everything Happens For A Reason?
      So proving something is reasonable is a matter of proving the causation
    better than anyone else can, finding all the variables and showing how they
    will probably result in expected outcomes.


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