MD Nifty move.

Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 00:26:32 GMT

  • Next message: johnny moral: "Re: MD SOM and the soc/int distinction"

    Hello All,

    A beautiful thing Pirsig did was to make axiology and metaphysics the same.
    Value is reality. After that you are left with epistemology which is
    predominately covered in ZAMM.
    (In Ch. 18 of ZAMM Pirsig essentially asks the question, "How do we know
    reality has value?" That was the pinnacle question to establish Quality. We
    need to establish the MoQ by asking, "Why is Dynamic better than static?")
    So, essentially Pirsig reduces axiology into metaphysics, a nifty move if
    I've ever seen one! This also means that three branches of axiology
    (politics, aesthetics, and ethics) become the same thing as his metaphysics.
    Pirsig's metaphysics is his ethics.


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