Re: MD Undeniable Facts

From: johnny moral (
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 18:46:32 BST

  • Next message: Dan Glover: "Re: MD Meditation/prayer"

    Hi Platt,

    Are those all from Lila? I only recognize the 'good dog' sentence, if so.

    I'd like to see what Matt says about these. I am sure that in the context
    of our shared understanding of reality and language, those would all qualify
    as facts, especially if we allow you some leeway in the 'what you mean'
    department. I think they all depend on language though, like the definition
    of child, the definition of kiss, the definition of know. A child could
    make a painting with brushes and paint, is that not close enough to what
    Homer does? You do know what it is 'like' to be kissed by you, it is 'like'
    being kissed by a person who is 'like' you.

    Since they all depend on language, they are really quite self-referential,
    you might as well say something like 'cats usually have four legs' is a fact
    - it's in the defintion of cat. We all agree that we have a sensible shared
    language that we can use to make statements and observations that we agree
    are useful statements we can treat as true. I think the point is that you
    need to be in the whole context for there to be facts, and (maybe?) post
    modernists are talking about what is under that context, if anything? I
    think they are making the point that it is all to be found in the context,
    and that you can't know what would be true if that context were different,
    ie, none of these facts are safe from redefinition.


    >From: "Platt Holden" <>
    >Subject: MD Undeniable Facts
    >Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 08:51:35 -0400
    >For all you postmodern fans of a world without absolutes, facts and final
    >truths, herewith for your enjoyment are a few undeniable truths and facts
    >of life:
    >You cannot think yourself out of a thought.
    >You'll never know what it's like to be kissed by you.
    >Life is a series of choices between the no choices of life and death.
    >This sentence and the seeing of it are two names for one indivisible fact.
    >To others you are just part of their experience.
    >The present never changes but everything that changes changes in the
    >No one can say of a painting by Homer or Wyeth that a child good do it.
    >Unless it has a name you can't think about it.
    >We divide reality, forget we have divided it, then forget we have forgotten
    >Science can't explain why it is good.
    >Power knows you are an object of change before you do.
    >Only valid thing in art is the one thing that cannot be explained.
    >Language is a meaningful system of meaningless elements.
    >The only form of value that strikes the senses directly is beauty.
    >Everyone runs the same 'me program' that doesn't belong to anyone.
    >John thought about it and said, 'That's a good dog.'
    >And there are many more.
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