Re: MD Patterns

From: johnny moral (
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 06:53:31 BST

  • Next message: Richard Loggins: "RE: MD Undeniable Facts"

    Hi Steve,

    What does Wilbur say about individual conciousness? When i see the word
    "individual", I think of a person, with a will and self-identity. Are we
    holons, if there is no such thing as an individual? What are we a part of,
    and what parts are our individual selves composed of? What else is in that
    book? The title sounds intriguing. Does it have pictures?


    >Hi, DMB, all,
    >I have started reading Wilber's Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. While Pirsig's
    >metaphysical hierarchy is based on patterns, Wilber's is based on what he
    >calls holons.
    >For the benefit of others not familiar with the term, a holon is a
    >whole/part. There is no such thing as an individual in the sense of "not
    >divisible." "Things" are simultaneously parts and wholes just as a cell is
    >composed of molecules and molecules are composed of atoms and so on both up
    >and down the chain. (DMB, please correct me if I lead astray.)
    >In the past I have though that you were making the mistake of classifying
    >"things," but perhaps your concept of pattern of value is influenced by
    >Wilber's holons.
    >Do you think of these terms in the same way? How would you distinguish
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