Re: MD Undeniable Facts

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 20:36:10 BST

  • Next message: Joe: "Re: MD Philosophy and Theology"

    Hi Matt, Platt,

    Matt said:
    > Once you get rid of the assumption that there are true essences to words,
    > fixed, discoverable definitions, True-to-the-World contexts, you get rid of
    > the philosophical notion of Absolute Truth, because our imaginations can
    > always come up with contexts in which an "absolute truth" is made
    > false.

    It seems to me that pomos say, "there are no true essences to words" and
    then conclude that we are hopelessly stuck in words, as if to be forced to
    have concluded that words are what we get instead of reality. Matt, I hope
    you will tell me that it would only be a "bad postmodernist" who would make
    that mistake.

    Platt said,
    >Undeniable Fact: Experience (Quality) is always the primary context.

    >Thus, truth is experience-dependent, experience being the germinal
    >context from which all other subsidiary contexts (such as historicism)
    >are derived.

    But when someone makes a statement of undeniable fact, that person has just
    introduced a subsidiary context. Instead of Experience as Quality, we have
    "someone's mediated experience" mediated further through words--just one of
    infinite contexts. Would you agree?


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