From: Paul Turner (
Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 10:22:14 BST
Hi Steve
You wrote:
'> How is ZAMM's Quality event and Quality=Experience
> reconciled with Lila's
> static/dynamic split?'
My interpretation is that in ZMM before the mystical
experience that led to his 'insanity' Pirsig was
already closing in on his static-Dynamic division with
the classic-romantic split he had defined.
Before his shift to a mystical monism he still saw his
understanding of Quality as a metaphysical one. At
this point the Quality event was seen as divisible in
terms of time, the pre-intellectual experience - first
impressions, surface beauty - was seen as romantic
quality and was the cutting edge of the experience.
The intellectual experience - the intellectual
analogues, rational explanation etc - was seen as
classic quality, and this comes later in the
Pirsig makes this statement in Lila:
'When the person who sits on the stove first discovers
his low-Quality situation, the front edge of his
experience is Dynamic. He does not think, "This stove
is hot", and then make a rational decision to get off.
A "dim apprehension of he knows not what" gets him off
Dynamically. Later he generates static patterns of
thought to explain the situation.' Ch 9
So the time element is still there, but he sees there
is more to the division than a time lag, resulting in
the MoQ.
He does explain why the classic-romantic split was
dropped in Lila, he saw that both classic and romantic
quality are different patterns of what he has now
called static quality. This he arrives at by seeing
that when a Native American mystic seeks a vision, it
is of something beyond both romantic and classic
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