Re: MD What is a living being?

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 15:53:50 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "Re: MD What is a living being?"

    Hi Phyllis

    : My definition points right now in a direction of autonomy. Individual
    : autonomy seems to me to be a prerequisite for experiencing and subsequently
    : valuing a DQ event. If IA is not operative, then the DQ event is feared and
    : rejected. Think "savage meets flashlight," or "city slicker in forest at
    : night" as examples. If IA is operative, the DQ event is further analyzed to
    : see if it should be at least temporarily latched.
    : Question here though, does it then become a static intellectual pattern
    : accumulated to the group of SPOQs called Lila or Sam or Phyllis or Paul?

    If you're interested, you're welcome to look at an extended essay that I wrote, which argues that
    the autonomous individual is the sign of level 4, as opposed to intellect. It's at:


    "Even to have expressed a false thought boldly and clearly is already to have gained a great deal."
    Wittgenstein, 1948
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "phyllis bergiel" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 5:11 PM
    Subject: Re: MD What is a living being?

    : > Hi Paul,
    : >
    : > Speaking for myself, I am not only not irritated, but I am very interested
    : in your take on this
    : > thread, and I think you are onto something. Moreover, I think your last
    : post is a model of clarity;
    : > I wish there were more such. > >
    : > Sam
    : >
    : > Definitely agree with Sam!
    : This whole discussion reminds me of mind, body, self, soul discussions.
    : There seems to be a "sum is more than its parts" going on. That's the
    : point about cohesion I think. The brain may be just a static biological
    : pattern, but when it encounters other patterns such as "government" or
    : "calculus" it can do so much more than a mere static pattern labeled "human
    : organ" ever could.
    : Phyllis
    : >
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