Re: MD What is a living being?

From: phyllis bergiel (
Date: Sun May 04 2003 - 14:55:40 BST

  • Next message: Scott R: "Re: MD FW: 'unmediated experience' #2"

    Hey Dan--
    It really is a lazy Saturday for you isn't it? Want to come by and help mow
    the lawn?
     Speaking of being facetious, do you think a dead cat is configured by
    > Now, I have cats myself, but all mine are alive. It's true that in the
    > I've had some cats that have died for various reasons but I buried them. I
    don't really know if they are still being configured by DNA or not, but I
    don't think they are (I'm not digging them up to find out). Maybe a >
    biologist like Jonathan could answer that one. :)
    Before Jonathan can put me to shame with a learned biology answer, let me
    try a philosophical one that is much discussed at my house. My husband has
    a great interest in the philosophy of finitude, so I'll try to tie it to the

    Perhaps the reason death is so repulsive and fearful, a force to fight, to
    most humans is that this is the ultimate and unavoidable example of a lower
    level of patterns overtaking a higher one. Struan's (and wow, wouldn't he
    be fun to psychoanalyze him) cat is no longer being configured by DNA a
    biological pattern, but is subject to inorganic ones:
    -the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.
    -the worms play pinochle in your mouth

    Sorry, it's a lazy Sunday morning and I'm procrastinating about finishing a


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