Re: MD The mythology of science

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 14:57:14 BST

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD 'unmediated experience'"

    Hello Rolin (and welcome)

    : but my question is about post-modernism. i have read some wilber and
    : the pirsig books and have come to the idea that post modernism does not
    : "reject" anything. it may appear that way from the modernist model
    : (see wilber's discussion of this in "a brief history of everything"
    : when he talks about egocentrism vs ethnocentrism vs worldcentrism) but
    : in actuality, post modernism embraces and transcends (the wilber battle
    : cry) what has come before. the post modernist "despair" is actually a
    : result of a modernist still stuck in the "old" way of thinking, i.e.,
    : in "transition"...
    : my question is, are we, in the twilight of modernism, at all able to
    : "flip" over into a post modernist mindset...or is that still a way off
    : yet? i happen to find post modernism very inspiring...i am a musician
    : and have found post modernism to be instrumental (no pun intended) in
    : understanding the role of music in our "new" lives.

    My take on postmodernism (as evidenced by someone like Lyotard) is that it is still trapped in what
    I call 'The meta-narrative of rational primacy', which derives from John Locke saying that 'in
    everything let Reason be your guide', especially in matters of ethics and religious belief.
    Modernism is built on that basis; post-modernism says that reason can't achieve what the Moderns
    think it can achieve, which is true, but they draw the false conclusion that this means 'anything
    goes'. If you have a different guide to ethics and religious belief (eg Quality or Value in the MoQ)
    then you are outside the meta-narrative of rational primacy, which post-moderns are still defined
    by, through rejection.


    "Even to have expressed a false thought boldly and clearly is already to have gained a great deal."
    Wittgenstein, 1948

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