RE: MD The Eudaimonic MoQ

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat May 31 2003 - 22:21:26 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD MOQ human development and the levels"


    Paul said:
    Although I didn't say that the intellectual is only
    abstraction, what is 'mere' about abstraction?

    Hmmm. Some wires got crossed here. I was addressing Sam and his comments. He
    just happened to be talking to you when he made one of them and I had no
    intention of hanging his views on you.

    By the way, my use of the phrase "mere abstraction" is not intended to
    insult the power of abstraction but to dispell the notion that intellectual
    values, properly understood, are much more than high cognitive function,
    that ethics, values, morals, aesthetics and all kinds of warm, fuzzy, human
    things are included there too. Its a denial of Sam's Spockish vision of the
    4th level.

    Anyway, sorry you wasted your time.

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