Re: MD Metaphysics of Quality: An oxymoron?

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 21:44:02 BST

  • Next message: Barritt: "Re: MD Free Will"

    Dear Nic,

    You wrote 10 Jun 2003 17:54:43 +0100:
    'Maybe so ["dynamic intelligence" may just be another word for "insanity"]
    but being excluded and even locked up in a mental hospital does not make him

    No, he may even get out and write a bestseller...

    Being excluded or even locked up definitely makes people less effective in
    making their new, dynamic insights into new intellectual patterns of value,
    however. So mystics and artists are in a better position to bring
    intellectual evolution a step forward (possibly even to jump beyond the 4th
    level) than the insane.

    With friendly greetings,


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