From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 16:15:37 BST
Hi Steve, Paul, others.
Steve said:
> I suspect that there is an important distinction between "being dominated
> by" a particular type of pattern and actually being a particular type of
> pattern that would be useful here. Also of issue would be the sorts of
> things we try to classify as a pattern. For example, how do we think of a
> law, a country, gravity, a family, church, and so on as a pattern of
> experience instead of as a "thing"?
> I'd be very interested to hear anyone else's thoughts about distinguishing
> intellectual and social patterns.
I would say: the social level is about what is done, not who does it, whereas level 4 is about who
does it, not what is done. So to expand slightly, any decision (value preference) at level 3 can be
described by reference to the social values which determine the choice, and the actor making the
choice makes no independent contribution. (Example: the monarch in England. It doesn't matter who it
is, but it does - at the moment - matter that there is somebody doing it). In contrast, level 4 can
only be described by reference to the individual value preferences of a particular person (a who),
and that is the essential part of a full description (example: the decision not to join the Euro in
the UK requires recourse to Gordon Brown and / or Tony Blair).
This is, of course, not the 'standard' distinction. I guess that would want to find out if something
is an 'idea' that can be 'thought' - if it is, then it is on level 4, if not, not. See also some of
my recent posts to Wim, if this has any interest, where I deal with this issue at some length.
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