Re: MD MOQ applied to the MOQ Forum

From: Buff .. (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 17:35:59 BST

  • Next message: Dan Glover: "Re: MD date of homo sapiens"

    Paul T"How does the social pattern of value that is the Forum
    >get better?

    Is it getting better? Is the MOQ as an
    >intellectual pattern of value gaining anything from
    >the establishment of the Forum?
    >Does anybody care? :-)"

    After 10 days and 100's of posts, it would seem that perhaps no one does
    care! Not one response can I see to your query - I find this worrying, as
    must you!

    "How does the social pattern of value that is the Forum
    >get better?"

    A: With things like lila's Child compiled by Dan Glover, with the archives,
    with the improved responses of the individuals, with the learning fostered
    by this site.I've seen some come, fight, evolve, get exasperated at people's
    inability to follow them, and go, they became better along the way. Some of
    the finest minds have departed, some are still here, the forum itself's
    boilogical pattern base has decreased (some have come as others left) but
    with each decrease you've got one more MOQ centered player who has been
    changed by his interaction with the Forum.

    "Is it getting better? "

    I see diversity as a mark of quality,there are a more wideranging set of
    confident posters these days, a lot of low quality comments are no better
    than a few but that's not what's happening here, there are low quality
    statements, but poorly thought out concepts die quickly here, the other
    posters are attuned to quality, they generate lots of high quality
    statements, and can spot and expose low quality ones sometimes harshly,
    sometimes with care. I have pointed this lack of care out in a previous post
    and since then some increased care of the burgeoning mind is going on by
    upper echelon of the "authority heirarchy" a quality improvement: more
    inclusive and more benevolent.While its overall effect and daily quality
    output fluctuates. Its combined good is valuable without doubt!

    The Moq fosters theoretical development, until now there is little but
    liberal thought, many strings are academically centred on modification &
    clarification of the existing MOQ, and few are centred on the application of
    the MOQ,(Squonk sees this - well in Squonk) we have had some strings on War
    in Iraq, the Russian Opera house tragedy, but these are few and far between
    - and I believe; required. Theory starts the ball rolling but practice makes
    it valuable- I often respond, rarely propose - I recognise the hole you have
    brought back to my attention I will address this personally and everyone's
    invited to play!

    I see from your analytical ability that you seem to be confident and as far
    as I can tell accurate with your MOQ, you can play too!

    "The MOQ Forum would not value an idea that tries to destroy it – for
    example, if it was suggested that the Forum should be closed down, ideas
    would be produced to oppose that idea and maintain the static social pattern
    of the MOQ Forum."

    This I disagree with this based on hope! I assume that should the suggestion
    that the MOQ forum be closed down then there would be a better alternative
    and we would have built it, we would not as a group oppose ideas without
    thought, nor ignore any intellectual pattern which could destroy our revered
    static social pattern, because we are aware that it could also improve it.
    We aren't the priest killing the Brujo.

    In the Forum are those that respect the authority and those that want to
    undermine authority.

    The negative ones get bored of poking us in the eye for it's own sake, I've
    seen them come and go they rarely last long, and when they do I slap them!

    I hope I restored some of your faith.I hope I motivated some of the
    acedemics to turn their attention to reality they're needed here too not
    just in the clouds!

    If everything is a game - let's play!


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