From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Jun 15 2003 - 00:47:40 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD MOQ human development and the levels"

    Steve and all:

    Steve quoted LC annotation 65:
    ³In the MOQ, nothing exists prior to the observation. The observation
    creates the intellectual patterns called ³observed² and ³observer.² Think
    about it. How could a subject and object exist in a world where there are
    no observations?²

    Steve said:
    As I see it, SOM includes the assumption of an 'objective reality' that
    exists independent of awareness while the MOQ understanding includes this
    'objective reality' as an inference from experience--an intellectual pattern
    of value. Do you agree? What other characteristics of SOM thinking
    distinguish it from an MOQ understanding?

    dmb says:
    First, a request. Will those who post quotes from LC please, Please, PLEASE
    provide the context. Pirsig is dispelling misconceptions and answering
    questions with these comments and they would make much more sense if we know
    not just what he's saying, but WHY he's saying it. It doesn't have to be a
    lengthy quote. Please, just tell us poor readers what prompted the comment.
    Now on to the topic...

    This is a very tricky area. Its where epistemology meets mysticism. Nothing
    exists prior to the observation. Whew! Wish I had a buck for every time that
    sort of Pirsigism has been misconstrued as Solipsism. I'm reluctant to go
    down that road again, but I've got a thought or two about the definition of
    SOM. Pirsig has other names for it and I take them as major clues. He calls
    it "a metaphysics of substance" and complains about "amoral scientific
    materialism". Substance. Material. He complains about the misconception that
    mind is just an ephemeral property of biological man. Objects. Objectivity.
    Its "just" subjective. I think at the bottome of SOM is the rejection of
    anything spiritual or interior or experiential. Its the belief that matter
    is what matters. It says that physical reality IS reality and everything
    else is iffy at best. SOM is modern scientific materialism. The belief that
    there is a world outside ourselves is certainly one of the assumptions held
    by SOM, but that assumption has fooled the East too. I don't think we can
    blame that on SOM or equate it with SOM because that assumption is bigger
    and older than SOM.

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