RE: MD MOQ human development and the levels

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Mon Jun 30 2003 - 17:53:56 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD myths and symbols"

    Hi Platt

    > Have you thought of what the first thought might
    > have been? I think it was
    > "no." I also imagine that the first thought of S/O
    > was "I."

    Both sound plausible, especially "I" for S/O. I also
    think maybe "good" and "bad", or their primitive
    counterparts, might be candidates?
    > For what its worth, I agree with your take on the
    > intellectual level and
    > found the following especially insightful.
    > > I have no quarrel with talking about different
    > kinds of thinking,
    > > my quarrel is that if you start assigning them to
    > different
    > > evolutionary levels, you undermine the clarity of
    > the MoQ. Should
    > > we create new levels for oriental society and
    > western society, or
    > > for aborigine and English immigrant societies in
    > Australia, they are
    > > qualitatively different aren't they?

    Thanks Platt. There seems to be a confusion between
    'thinking socially' and 'social level thinking'. As I
    understand it, the latter does not exist in the MOQ.

    Also, it is almost impossible for us, living now, to
    imagine a 'society' in which humans live without
    thinking, both society and mind have evolved and will
    continue to evolve together, with the mind pulling
    further away over time.

    That is why I think the social level, when existing
    prior to the intellect will have been limited to
    prehistoric repetitive responses to Quality, having
    more in common with animal behaviour yet beyond
    genetically predisposed behaviour; and with
    increasingly complex rituals storing the learning for
    future generations but without any awareness of why or
    how, just the natural recognition of something good?

    All speculation, it's difficult to contemplate for



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