RE: MD The Intellectual Level

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Jul 03 2003 - 15:32:20 BST

  • Next message: Jonathan B. Marder: "RE: MD The Intellectual Level"

    Hi Bo, Jonathan, All:

    Bo asked Jonathan:

    > I agree with everything you say, but what was "thinking" before the Greek
    > philosophers? I still have this hunch that what so many understand by
    > "thinking" or "mind" (and why they get so upset by the S/O-intellect
    > interpretation) is the dynamic aspect of existence.


    > OK, everything you have said supports the view that the intellectual >
    > emerged with the Greeks and is the S/O divide or reason, yet - after having
    > said that the early hominids (of the social era) had "considerable powers
    > of thought" - insist on the thinking definition of intellect. Please
    > explain.

    This raises the question: Did aborigines prior to the influences of
    Western civilization think? Or did they survive by mystic intuition alone?
    Jonathan says yes, they did think and thus participated in intellectual
    level patterns. Bo says no. Going along with Pirsig's "collection and
    manipulation of symbols" definition of thinking, I say yes.

    What do you say, and why?


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