Re: MD Intellectual patterns? huh?

Date: Tue Jul 15 2003 - 20:11:32 BST

  • Next message: Erin N.: "RE: MD Intellectual patterns? huh?"


    Platt said:
    Suggest that you are also pointing to harmony in judging the quality of an intellectual pattern although your emphasis is on objective rationality of the pattern rather than the more subjective harmony of the pattern. Your emphasis is correct in academe. Outside academic discipline, judgments of quality are more likely to trend toward "gut" feelings.

    Absolutely. When Pirsig says "harmony" I think he's saying the same thing as when Rorty says "coherence".

    However, I think you've missed my emphasis. I'm not sure what "objective rationality" is supposed to mean. After all, I take "objective" to mean "intersubjective". But, my emphasis was not on the inner workings of any particular community in finding coherence or harmony, but in the individual person, as when I said, "coherence with your other intellectual patterns," emphasis on "your". And I believe I was referring to "gut" feelings when I said, "An initial feeling of low Quality is that first impulse of incoherence, and vice versa for high Quality."

    Otherwise, aside from your insistence on saying "the feeling, the experience of beauty is 'Things the Way They Really Are,'" its interesting to see that we agree on a few things. I just knew we would.


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