Re: MD Lila's Child

From: Valence (
Date: Thu Jul 31 2003 - 15:21:13 BST

  • Next message: johnny moral: "Re: MD What does Pi.... mean by *static intellectual patterns*?"

    Hi Bo,
    As I've finally come across a nice chunk of free time I promise to respond
    to all your recent posts in full, tonight or tomorrow. However just for the

      For instance
    > the annotation that Rick presented to me. (I haven't found the
    > number)
    > * And in this highest quality intellectual pattern, external
    > * objects (matter) appear historically before intellectual
    > * patterns... But this highest quality intellectual pattern itself
    > * comes before the external world, not after, as is commonly
    > presumed by
    > * the materialist.".

    It's not an annotation at all. I cited the source to this quote in the post
    I included it in (you did read that post? right?), it's from Pirsig's
    letter to Anthony McWatt.

    more to come soon

    take care

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