Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 14:41:54 BST
Hi Squonk,
> > Here's an intellectual pattern. "My dog has fleas." Now please
> > point out the dynamic and static components and why you think they
> > are so.
> S
> > Static component = symbolic linguistic repertoire, 'My, dog, has,
> > fleas
> > + associated smells, sights, sounds, alternatives.' These patterns are
> > learned. Dynamic component = intuited coherent aesthetic relationship
> > between static repertoire and DQ.
> I think I understand the static part although "repertoire" is an
> unusual word in that context, making comprehension of your meaning
> unnecessarily more difficult. Your "dynamic component" definition
> escapes me completely. Is there a simpler, more direct, more ordinary
> way to express the idea?
> Static part: Think of a musician having a repertoire of tunes
> upon which to draw for any given performance? By analogy, you and I have
> a repertoire of static intellectual patterns upon which to draw at any
> given moment.
Seems to me we're able to draw upon a lot more than a limited
repertoire of patterns to express ourselves, especially if you think of
individual words as individual patterns.
squonk: I totally agree. And the wonder of it all is the Dynamic
reorganisation of inspired art.
> I hope this helps? Dynamic part: DQ can reorganise the
> static repertoire into a new tune - to use the music analogy again. I
> hope this helps also?
Using your analogy, talking is a dynamic activity, just as
improvisation by a musician or a comedian is dynamic. You create
patterns of meaning on the fly without prior contemplation. But, on
second thought, to make meaning you must draw on static patterns. Hmm,
as you can tell, I'm improvising. :-)
squonk: I also agree. There have been some wonderful orators renown for their
skill. And i feel a great orator speaks of the good. What do you think?
> May we say that a comedian, like the improvising musician, has a static
> repertoire? In the case of the comedian, he has a repertoire of gags and
> humorous observations upon which to draw? If he cracks a new joke, he is
> flying with DQ? Of course, some music composers and comedy writers can
> deliver the art but not perform well? Others write and perform equally
> well?
Would you agree that a improv comedian, like Jonathan Winters, is more
dynamic than, say, Bob Hope?
squonk: I am afraid i am not familiar with Jonathan Winters? If he is a good
improviser, then it may be that he is more Dynamic than Bob Hope. I believe
Bob Hope had a large team of writers who could not perform like Bob, but Bob
could not write his one liners.
I was very sad to here of Bob Hope's death - he certainly made me laugh with
his impeccable timing. That was perhaps his great skill - timing? Even his
most slick responses were written for him?
So, Jonathan Winters may indeed be more dynamic. That leaves the question of
whether JAW is a racist or goes for cheap crude laughs? I do not value such
> Well, squonk is the sum total of many patterns over multiple
> levels. And i am not alone, etc....
Not only are you and I the sum total of many patterns over multiple
levels, we are the sum total of multiple values over multiple levels.
Every level contains innumerable values, some of high quality, some of
low, some weak, some dominant. Do you agree?
squonk: Yes, i do. All this agreement is a bit novel when i contemplate some
of the ideas floating about on the forum.
Persecution is the first law of society because it is always easier to
suppress criticism than to meet it. Howard Munford Jones
All the best,
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