Re: MD A metaphysics

From: David MOREY (
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 19:40:30 BST

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Pirsig and Peirce"

    Hi Guys

    Here's my solution to your argument. DMB has got Rorty very wrong to put him
    in the SOM
    camp. Post-modernism is all about questioning SOM, so is Pirsig. Therefore
    they should be
    friends because SOM has all the big guns. Nevertheless, post SOM we still
    want to talk
    about knowledge. Rorty's solution is to talk about what works, so does
    Pirsig. Pirsig says there are
    levels that can't be reduced to each other, Rorty says there are different
    language games that can't be
    reduced to each other. Great. Problems: Pirsig talks about metaphysics this
    sounds like SOM to a
    pragmatist hence they go anti-Pirsig. Rorty talks about brains, neurons as
    producing minds and says he is a physicalist this sould like SOM to a
    Pirsigian. My view is that Pirsig uses the word metaphysics but look at the
    detail and he really
    is not talking about the essentialism that goes with SOM. It would be fairer
    to say that MOQ is not really a
    metaphysics, it is sort of a declaration that there is a limit, i.e.
    Being/Quality cannot be defined, this is the same
    as Rorty saying that correspondence theory has got nothing to correspond to.
    Yet Being/Quality will not go away.
    Rorty probably recognises this within his physicalism. But physicalism makes
    Rorty an inconsistent post-
    modernist, as Andrew Bowie says in his book on Schelling: "The important
    fact that makes one sceptical about
    Rorty's position is that Rorty himself actually does retain a ground, in
    that he, albeit somewhat inconsistently,
    advocates a form of physicalism, which involves a questionable ontological
    commitment of the kind he
    critisises in others." Matt talks about the mechanistic approach working
    with rocks, fine it does, but
    you can change the words as Pirsig says, e.g. from cause to value, it makes
    no difference to science
    but it changes the ontological assumptions and implications. This odd
    inconsistency of Rorty's effects very little of his work
    maybe .005% and the rest is as useful in the broadening of the possible
    beyond SOM as Pirsig is. I say physicalism is not
    justified because it adds nothing to the science, a more post-modern
    approach would be to be more ontologically
    neutral and say that we can define static patterns and use these to predict
    the behavious of systems, any talk of
    causes is very ontological, goes against the probablistic nature of modern
    science, so Rorty should be more of a pragmatist
    and drop the physicalism, or, as I prefer, we could say static value
    patterns, as per Pirsig, and very much like
    Heidegger, becuase we recognise the primordiality of value/care, that things
    only show up in the human-life-world
    if that matter to us, hence we do not feel radiation as no such sense has
    proved to be of evolutionary use. Use/value Pirsig/Rorty are very hard to
    separate at all, very close cousins, so much better than SOM.

    David Morey

    ----- Original Message -----
    To: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 9:54 PM
    Subject: Re: MD A metaphysics

    > Then I noticed that I had bashing my head against the wall in front of me,
    > David said:
    > I am enjoying this exchange.
    > Matt:
    > Well, that makes one person. Wait, I think DMB is probably enjoying it.
    I think he likes being argumentative and self-righteous.
    > David said:
    > I agree that the problem with Rorty is his materialism or physicalism, I
    am happy with all the stuff he says about epistemolgy# and pragmatism but
    then he seems to go off in a completely unsupported physicalist direction.
    > Matt:
    > It is unclear how physicalism is supposed to be supported if not by its
    utility. It works. Mechanistic explanations work when trying to predict
    and control rocks. I don't know what else to say.
    > Besides, if physicalism is unsupported, I fail to see how any alternatives
    have support. The question is what we take to be support, and that would
    seem to always be a question-begging affair. But that's what pragmatists
    predict: supporting your basic assumptions about the world, be it
    "physicalism works with rocks" or "don't be cruel to other people", will
    always be visciously circular.
    > David said:
    > What we call matter is just what the sciences currently picture it as
    being, which is constantly changing.
    > Matt:
    > Yes.
    > David said:
    > Rorty seems to do little more than make philosophy bow down to the
    physical sciences and I am not keen to buy that.
    > Matt:
    > Nope, sorry, not buying it. See either my reply to DMB or Part I of
    Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth. If anything, Rorty wants philosophy to
    bow down to literature. On that, see Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity.
    > David said:
    > And if physicalism is not about reductionism what is it?
    > Matt:
    > Its non-reductive physicalism. See either my conversation with Scott this
    past month or "Non-Reductive Physicalism" in Objectivity, Relativism, and
    > Matt
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