Re: MD A metaphysics

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 13:20:21 BST

  • Next message: Ray Cox: "Re: MD freedom"

    Hi David M, Matt,
    > But physicalism makes Rorty an inconsistent post-
    > modernist, as Andrew Bowie says in his book on Schelling: "The important
    > fact that makes one sceptical about Rorty's position is that Rorty
    > himself actually does retain a ground, in that he, albeit somewhat
    > inconsistently, advocates a form of physicalism, which involves a
    > questionable ontological commitment of the kind he critisises in
    > others."

    This is precisely the criticism I've levelled at Rorty ever since Matt
    began touting his philosophy.


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