Re: MD Islands in the continuum.

Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 00:49:13 BST

  • Next message: Scott R: "Re: Sheldrake (MD economics of want and greed 4)"

    Ah. Nicely put, Squonk. This is precisely the sort of response I was
    hoping for in asking those who contribute to this site how the MOQ has
    changed their worldview in their everyday life.

    You description of the figure cast in bronze reminded me of a similar
    response I had to a polished bronze sculpture by Brancusi in the Museum
    of Modern Art in New York entitled "Flight." It was a completely
    abstract form, but it instantly I knew it was the "reality" of flight

    Later I read that Brancusi said, "They are imbeciles who call my work
    abstract; that which they call abstract is the most real, because what
    is real is not the exterior form but the idea, the essence of things."

    Clement Greenberg, a famous art critic once said:

    "Esthetic judgments are immediate, intuitive, undeliberate and
    involuntary and leave no room for conscious application of standards,
    criteria, rules or precepts."

    If that isn't a good description of Dynamic Quality I don't know what

    If we all would witness our experiences as being within a continuum of
    beauty, how much richer might our lives might be?


    Hello Platt,
    I like your Clement Greenberg quote. Excellent.
    And your experience of the Brancusi sculpture speaks volumes in value terms.
    I must admit that i am a bit of an idealist - not in the philosophical sense,
    but in the sense of wishing for a world that may not be possible. However,
    now and again, i see a vision of what the world might be like if our children
    learned to value beauty from an early age? It is a shining vision - illuminating
    in its freedom. Freedom?
    Yes! Freedom!
    Those who value beauty - Quality, above all, are indeed free don't you think?
    You asked how DQ-SQ - the language of the MoQ has changed my life through
    personal experience? Well, i have left a job that paid above average wages, and
    have suffered a great drop in social status to follow philosophy, art and the
    MoQ. And how may that be quantified in fiscal terms! It's ridiculous isn't it?
    We all are forced to accommodate our cultural expectations? But i say:
    migrate to that which motivates and inspires you if you can, and make good that
    which is thrust upon you. And above all, indicate Quality to as many people as one
    can - everyone already feels it, but those cultural expectations may have
    clouded things a bit?

    Please forgive me Platt, i am rambling.
    If you have any other experiences, i should very much like to hear of them?
    And will not anyone else contribute their experiences of Quality to the forum
    also? Robert Pirsig suggests that philosophy isn't worth a damn if one cannot
    apply it to one's experience.

    All the best,

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