Date: Fri Sep 05 2003 - 08:56:37 BST
Platt, Jonathan and Multitude.
You said (3 Sep.):
> I don't understand you question. Everything you and I say and write
> are intellectual descriptions of our experiences. What else could they
> be?
It was Jonathan, but I may have misunderstood. He said:
"I don't see the S/O divide as a social pattern. It is an (intellectual)
description of perception AT ALL LEVELS."
..and it looked like one among many intellectual patterns, but I now
see that he means intellectual instead of social. Will wait for
Jonathan's reply before further comments. JONATHAN AHOI!!
About "everything we say and write as intellectual description of
perception". There were language before the intellectual stage, at
least the way Pirsig describes it in LILA .
> Agree. But the S/O divide hasn't been tossed out. It's still part and
> parcel of the MOQ.
You bet! To the degree that I see it as intellect itself. :-)
> You keep suggestion that the MOQ isn't an intellectual pattern.
>What is it then, an attitude?
According to the MOQ all levels start(ed) as a pattern of the parent
LILA Chp.24:
"Therefore, to the question, "What is the purpose of all this
intellectual knowledge?" the Metaphysics of Quality answers, "The
fundamental purpose of knowledge is to Dynamically improve and
preserve society. "Knowledge has grown away from this historic
purpose and become an end in itself jus) as society has grown away
from its original purpose of preserving physical human beings and
become an end ir itself, and this growing away from original purposes
toward greater Quality is a moral growth."
thus, the MOQ may be intellects "prodigy son" pattern. It still looks
like an "high intellectual pattern" to you (all), while I have a tendency
to regard it as "an end in itself" already.
> As I've asked others, how do you see the
> world differently as a result of putting on MOQ spectacles? Besides a
> new take on evolution, what other specific reversals in your outlook
> or behavior has occurred in your everyday life as the result of
> reading and taking to heart ZMM and Lila?
Above all, that of intellect being the S/O divide. It heals all ills that the
SOM and its mind/matter outlook has brought with it ...while
preserving it as a static good. You seem to see glimpses of it (31
> I think Scott has hit on the Rosetta stone of solving a problem I've
> struggled with for years in regards to the MOQ by distinguishing between
> SOM and the S/O divide. No longer need I be confused by the fact that the
> MOQ uses the S/O divide to make its case for a new DQ/sq divide.
> Perhaps that new DQ/sq divide is what Bo means by the beginning of a
> "rebel intellectual pattern" that will have to create it's own language
> that will then eventually be assimilated into a static social pattern.
I am a little disappointed that my "life-long" struggle has gone
unnoticed by, while suddenly Scott has made it through, but never
mind I am more than pleased :-). See Scott's of to-day (5 sep.)
"Dealing with the S/O part 1) Wow!!!!!!
Your old comrade in arts.
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