Re: Sheldrake (MD economics of want and greed 4)

Date: Fri Sep 05 2003 - 20:17:30 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD Forked tongue"

    Hi Scott,

    You ask: "What evidence? I don't know of a single case where one species has
    been observed to come into existence due solely to random genetic mutation and
    natural selection. In fact, I doubt that one could ever determine that: the
    doubter could always say, how do you know there were no other factors involved?"

    Andy: THere you go again. You are asking for proof. All we have is evidence.
     DNA, Archeological records, genetic theory, fossils. All of this and more
    provides evidence supporting Darwin's theory. But if you want proof, I cannot
    help you.

    You said in a very brief answer to my points on self-consiousness: "But, my
    view is that language, self-consciousness, and episodic memory are all
    co-dependent. One needs the other two to have any one, so describing one in
    terms of another seems wrong to me."

    Andy: Please, please...How so? Maybe they are all co-dependent, but what I
    really want to know is if you think self-consciousness is given and something we
    should just take for granted like consciousness.

    Your response to my question on a perfectly spatio-temporal universe: Strictly
    speaking, I am saying that a belief that spacetime is prior to consciousness is
    what leads to the necessity to think in terms of smallest units, which it turns
    out to be impossible to reduce consciousness to consciousness to *because* of
    the belief."

    Andy: This helps me not at all. You were offering a computer for an example of
    the failure of a perfectly spatio-temporal mechanism. You then went on to say
    the brain must also suffer from the same defects. I was only pointing out that
    the computer is NOT a perfectly spatio-temporal mechanism and the brain perhaps
    is. this would have a very large impact on your beliefs in the futility of a
    materialistic worldview, would it not?

    THanks again,

    > *because* of the belief.

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