Re: MD A metaphysics--Resignation

From: David MOREY (
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 19:32:50 BST

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Dealing with S/O"

    yes, but if we successfully re-tell the stories about Platonic philosophy,
    scientism, metaphysico-epistemology, and the onto-theological, and transform
    these things, then you and Rorty might have to switch sides due to your
    values, I agree
    that these things have had very bad days, but with onto-theology I can
    really smell the possibility of a very new kind
    of god, and I think all the values we share might find better shelter with
    some positive story about the cosmos
    than with the hope that being post-metaphysics is going to make us act more
    humanly. And you pragmatists have
    nothing to stand on other than your hope, my hope is just different and
    saying things have had bad days does not mean they can't have good days
    again, whereas I want to say that we have had a metaphysics of being and
    missed half of reality called
    becoming, and at heart, that is what Rorty is doing by saying things are not
    reducible to being, and Pirsig says we should call SQ/DQ quality. The
    metaphysics of Be(com)ing ackowledges the utter impossibility of closure,
    why does pragmatism
    assume closure is impossible?


    ----- Original Message -----
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 12:30 PM
    Subject: Re: MD A metaphysics--Resignation

    > David,
    > David said:
    > If we could all be ironists perhaps it could be good, but even I fancy
    some positive philosophy sometimes. You can only be ironic when we have some
    stories to be ironic about.
    > Matt:
    > Disenchantment isn't about being ironic, its about making the contingent
    turn (which is only one part of being ironic). Rorty doesn't think we can
    all be ironic all of the time because, like you say, we have to have stories
    to be ironic about. Rorty's not against "positive" philosophy (in the
    Sellarsian sense of seeing how things, in the widest sense, hang together,
    in the widest sense) or poetry or literature, he's against Platonic
    philosophy, scientism, metaphysico-epistemology, and the onto-theological
    > Matt
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