Re: MD Intellectual level - New letter from Pirsig

From: Joe (
Date: Thu Oct 02 2003 - 21:31:39 BST

  • Next message: MATTHEW PAUL KUNDERT: "Re: MD Intellectual level - New letter from Pirsig"

    On 01 Oct 2003 11:59 AM David M writes:

    Seems to me that it is here that we start to be unable to draw a line
    between Man/Being/God. Is that what you're thinking? Can't see how you can't
    begin ontologically with agency, what is very strange is that there is a
    patterned, repeating, static, finite cosmos. Pure agency is surely infinite,
    we may say divine, and free. Yet we have a cosmos of repeating patterns and
    continued emergent creation. Seems to me that you get patterns/repetition if
    you sacrifice your agency, if you value what has been created, enough to do
    it again, loving it, allowing it to endure. Is there any alternative to this
    approach that does not produce a non-aware cosmos in any form?

    Hi David, Sam, and all,

    The theory of knowledge for SOM proposed that existence be divided into
    objective existence and intentional existence. IMO the only way existence
    can be divided is if I see two enter twinning universes, mind and matter.

    Pirsig in MoQ proposes a division of value, completely undefined DQ,
    partially undefined SQ. An instinctive sensing of reality for knowledge,
    and a moral order hierarchy seem to be necessary to this division of
    Quality. An undefined agency 'an instinctive sensing or reality' is the way
    I know things. 'Undefined' and 'pure' agency are different. Undefined can
    be different from infinite.

    "Is there any alternative to this approach that does not produce a non-aware
    cosmos in any form?"

    In an undefined 'instinctive sensing of reality' and a 'moral order
    hiearchy' there is wiggle room for an "approach that does not produce a
    non-aware cosmos in any form." For example the inorganic order, the planet,
    emanates a gravity field.

    The organic cannot come from the inorganic. Consciousness cannot come from
    non-consciousness. 'Emanation' the undefined agency of evolution produces
    awareness from the inorganic, to the organic, to the social, to the
    intellectual, to the self-aware individual. Of course, not without
    permission, but that was not your question.


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