From: Patrick van den Berg (
Date: Sat Oct 11 2003 - 18:12:29 BST
Hi again David H,
> I don't think that Dynamic Quality is an object that 'contains' things
> inside
> it or is contained by any object.
> I think Dynamic Quality and Static Quality Are in opposition to each
> other,
> but they also need each other to survive. If static patterns are
> overly
> Static and require blind obedience then they suppress Dynamic change,
> while
> on the other hand if Dynamic change is too powerful and fluid then I
> believe
> chaos can emerge. This is what I think Pirsig was talking about when
> he said
> that the culture needs the tension between both the Brujo and the
> Priests to
> survive.
Okay, that's clear.
> > It's true that 'scientific knowledge' agrees with the notion that
> the
> > patterns contain the self, not vice versa. When you study attention
> with
> > fMRI or EEG, you see resp. parts of the brain and electromagnetic
> > waveforms that are linked to the act of attention. So what our
> selves
> > 'will' or 'decide', is not by action of an I on the brain, itself
> > independend of it's own brain, but the action of neural patterns.
> As I know little of fMRI or EEG it is difficult to comment on this,
> however I
> would have thought that classical scientific knowledge claims that an
> object contains the self who's acknowledgement of Dynamic Quality is
> nonexistent.
Sorry, I don't understand this remark. Do you mean that SOM would view
the self as a static, fixed entity?
Greetings, Patrick
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