RE: MD Intellectual level - New letter from Pirsig

From: Mati Palm-Leis (
Date: Sun Oct 12 2003 - 00:43:44 BST

  • Next message: David Harding: "Re: MD Re: MOQ:What is a person."

    David & MOQ folks

    dmb says:
    I'm not exactly sure what you're getting at with these questions. But if
    want to draw a line between the social and intellectual levels, and I
    we HAVE TO do so if we want a proper definition of the intellect, then I
    think its worth pointing out that language and ritual are not

    Mati: Agreed

    Yes, there is certainly great intelligence at the social level, but
    and language don't involve the same kind of independent symbol
    Its not very hard to see the difference because we're not just talking
    some mysterious pre-historic rites, but a level of ourselves that we
    every day...

    Mati replies: Perhaps of we have a different sense of what symbol
    manipulation is. It has been mentioned that social level was discussed
    at great length before and I am not looking to reopen that discussion.
    Language in my mind is a sophisticated form of communication using
    symbols (Letter and words, Language/ one context of symbols). It seems
    to me that symbol existed before the S/0 divide was discovered. When it
    was discovered it marks the advent of the intellectual level. In my mind
    it is the conduit that supports both the Intellectual and Social values.
    This is similar to matter supporting the inorganic and biological
    values. Is a correct assumption or have misunderstood something?

    Pirsig in the recent letter:
    Handshaking, ballroom dancing, raising one's right hand to
    take an oath, tipping one's hat to the ladies, saying "Gesundheit!"
    after a sneeze-there are trillions of social customs that have no
    intellectual component.

    dmb continues:
    Notice how these everyday rituals each involve a physical gesture?
    how each of them is largely a matter of proper behavior rather than self
    expression or anything else? We could say the same about the more formal
    overtly religious or civil rituals of our time too. I point this out
    there is something about the social level that seems to be closer to the
    biological level. We feel it in our bodies. We express it in gestures
    stances and such. We can't dance with our brains; the intellect just
    feel the beat like the hips can, you know?

    Mati: Agree, I feel the same way. But I think of the many of those
    ritual were sustain by symbols of language and customs. What about the
    Mythos? Language like other symbols just evolved within the social realm
    until it developed to become sophisticated enough to support the
    intellectual level.

    Paul Turner said:
                  ...the conscious manipulation of symbols by individuals
    doesn't seem to have occurred until around the time of Odyssey. Until
    recently I, for one, did not appreciate the massive change in human
    behaviour that seems to have occurred around this time.

    dmb says:
    You're not the only one. There are tons of misconceptions about this
    transition period, even for those who are fascinated by the ancient and
    pre-historic worlds. But there is no avoiding the conclusion that the
    difference between the social and intellectual levels is easier to see
    for a
    person who knows something about that period. And I think that even if
    Pirsig's ideas were completely excluded from the discussion, a person
    learned lots about the period would conclude that something rather
    astonishing happened around that time...

    Mati: The astonishing thing it seems to me was that it wanted to
    redefine reality beyond he social level. Intuitively those Greeks sensed
    it and pushed it until S/O divide was born.

    Pirsig in the recent letter:
    Just when the evolution of the intellectual level from the social level
    took place in history can only be speculated on. I certainly wasn't
    there when it happened. ...Maybe the early Greek philosophers. Who
    knows? But if one studies the early books of the Bible or if one studies
    the sayings of primitive tribes today, the intellectual level is
    conspicuously absent. The world is ruled by Gods who follow social and
    biological patterns and nothing else.

    dmb says:
    I was there. It happened on a Tuesday. But seriously, it seems we can
    draw a fuzzy line even if we can't pin point the exact moment. Its hard
    imagine how such a thing could happen in a moment or that anybody at the
    time realized what was being let loose in the world. But if the
    were not but the early Greek philosophers were and if the early books of
    Bible were not, and the later ones were... the time frame gets narrowed
    to something we can get a handle on.

    Mati: Excellent point but, what again seems to me is that the before and
    after is defined by he acknowledgment of the subjective reality.
    Egyptians culture from my limited understanding of that time, was purely
    of the social level. My guess there was an itch that the biological &
    and inorganic level realities couldn't define. There was that
    "something more" and they sensed it. Language and customs tried to
    define the subjective reality but it could reason it. The S/O discover
    did. Historical fuzziness aside I think we are safe to say the Greeks
    were able to do it and did it.

    Maybe its worth repeating that the social level is not been consigned to
    dust heap. We can learn something about it by looking at pre-historic
    cultures and such, but that level still defines us to a very large
    Its most of what we are.

    Mati: Agreed

    I hope that my comments are not too simplified, but I think for the sake
    of discussion it is ok to do so. Thanks David for your articulation of
    a complicated idea.


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