RE: MD What makes an idea dangerous?

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Tue Oct 28 2003 - 09:39:49 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "MD The MOQ makes inroads"

    Hi Matt

    David M said:
    I take the Rorty-reader to say that the two cultures have different
    values and that you cannot say one is superior to the other. They have
    different language games and live in different worlds. I have heard
    Rorty take a position of 'no way to judge' in respect of so-called
    primitive cultures.

    This isn't quite right, though many have interpreted Rorty as saying

    To help clarify the pragmatist rules of intellectual engagement,
    considering that "Rorty writes that "the works of anybody whose mind was
    complex enough to make his or her books worth reading will not have an
    'essence,' that those books will admit of a fruitful diversity of
    interpretations, that the quest for 'an authentic reading' is


    "Accuracy assumes an established reference point with which we can refer
    and check, like Galileo's birthday."

    Is it ever possible, as a Rortyan pragmatist, to say about an
    interpretation of an author's thoughts that "This isn't quite right..."?

    And if intersubjective agreement is the pragmatist measure of "right,"
    doesn't "right" equally belong to the "many [who] have interpreted Rorty
    as saying this" as to those, like yourself, who haven't?



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