MD bats and sonar

From: Richard Loggins (
Date: Mon Nov 10 2003 - 04:12:48 GMT

  • Next message: johnny moral: "Re: MD quality is ...?"

    Perhaps you should read Lila.

    Nathan Pila < > wrote:Richard,
    "Are you saying that only that which can be
    experienced has high quality? "

    No, I'm just saying that about pre-intellectual

    Nathan: "If you are saying that, then what do you say
    about the concept of sonar or radar? Bats are blind
    but 'see' through a form of sonar. Their sensory
    organs are attuned to 'hear' the echoes of the signals
    they send out. "
    "So, to a bat, sonar has 'high quality' but to a human
    is exists but is of lower quality. "

    To a human it exists only as a high intellectual
    pattern (an idea or theory), the pattern which
    postulates that sonar exists as a biological pattern
    for bats. Pre-intellectually, we have no experience of
    sonar and are blind to the Dynamic Quality that
    creates sonar. But we must remember that the only
    thing we are sure of with respect to sonar is that
    sonar is an idea. It is simply our assumption that
    bats can experience it.
    Nathan:"Where is my error or do I have this right? Or
    have I discovered a contradiction in the definition of

    Contradiction? It's just a matter of what is doing the
    experiencing. If I don't have certain life experiences
    as something else, I'll have a different sense of

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