Re: MD string theory

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 15:30:53 GMT

  • Next message: Nathan Pila: "MD Illusions are us"

    Hi Nathan and others following this thread,

    Nathan said:
    > But isn't this awareness a product of the working of my brain?
    > If this is the case, then isn't this awareness an illusion.

    Sometimes I start to think that the SOM demon that Pirsig and we MOQers are
    fighting is a straw man, but here we see a living example of a person
    convinced by SOM that he himself doesn't even exist.

    Nathan continued:
    >That is, the
    > awareness doesn't exist except as activity of chemicals and electrostatic
    > impulses running in the various neurons.

    ...and neurons are really just collections of molecules like any cells so
    neurons don't really exist, and molecules are simply a bunch of atoms which
    are just some random activity of subatomic particles which most certainly
    don't really nothing exists! ;-)

    Nathan, the importance of "starting with experience" rather than starting
    with matter is because when starting with matter we come up with such absurd
    conclusions as "awareness doesn't exist."

    Even if you do insist on thinking in terms of matter, I would argue that
    reducing everything to chemicals or molecules or atoms will never produce a
    "Theory of Everything." You could know all there is to know about atoms
    without knowing a thing about how a tiger hunts it's prey or how a democracy
    functions or what makes Beethoven's Ode to Joy sound so joyful.

    Are you playing devil's advocate to some extent or do you really not sense a
    problem with reducing the experience of a sunset to photons striking a


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