Re: MD life is an emergent property

From: Nathan Pila (
Date: Fri Nov 14 2003 - 22:23:44 GMT

  • Next message: johnny moral: "RE: MD When is an interpretation not an interpretation?"


    I am unclear. Do you not agree that the human brain gives meaning to

    You look at the screen and see a white background with black markings. This
    is information or data, is it not? The fact that you can interpret these
    symbols means that you have a functioning brain. It is your brain that
    allows you make sense out of the input from the world, no?

    Where did you study cognitive science? This is a field that I am fascinated
    by. Do you know that work of Ramachadran? And what do you think of Steven

    Fondly to you, Nathan

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Scott R" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 12:38 AM
    Subject: Re: MD life is an emergent property

    > Nathan,
    > > I recall Descartes' dictum that the ONLY thing he was positively sure of
    > > was, that he existed and Descartes' thought held the mind of thinkers
    > > literally centuries. And now, here I come with some preposterous
    > > that questions all of this.
    > Buddhists and others have been questioning the existence of the self for
    > 2500 years. You will also find that Pirsig (in Lila) questions it.
    > {From the next post:]> how do you feel about the fact that the human brain
    > gives meaning to
    > information?
    > Where is the evidence for your "fact" that the brain gives meaning to
    > information? I studied cognitive science for five years and never came
    > across any such evidence. Steve made reference to your apparent
    > of the assumptions you make in your statements. I must agree.
    > - Scott
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