Re: MD out of our depth

From: Richard Loggins (
Date: Mon Nov 17 2003 - 05:06:23 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD what is life?"

    Hi Nathan,

    --- Nathan Pila <> wrote:
    > Richard,
    > You ask, 'Did the entire pattern of Chris go up the
    > crematorium chimney, as the conservation laws of
    > physics demand, or can we leave open the possibility
    > that his higher level patterns continue to exist?'
    > In my opinion, the pattern that represented Chris
    > has been obliterated. It
    > is no longer there. The conservation laws are not
    > violated because they
    > apply only to energy or matter not to patterns.

    OK, they are not violated, but they presume that
    energy and matter are all there is. There is no room
    for other types of patterns in a worldview of reality
    as dictated by physics. Therein lies its shortcomings.

    > When I eat a fish, I use the proteins that the fish
    > used, in another way.
    > The flesh of the fish is broken down and reassembled
    > into raw materials that
    > my body uses to rebuild me.
    > In the same way that the fish disappears when eaten,
    > Chris disappeared when
    > burnt to a crisp.
    > What is wrong with my metaphor?
    Nothing, for as far as it goes. The physical patterns
    of Chris are destroyed. I think Pirsig describes this
    destruction as a hole in the larger pattern of Chris,
    and this larger pattern of Chris still exists and is
    looking for another body to inhabit. This is
    consistent with beliefs of so-called primitive peoples
    for ages that have been summarily discarded by the SOM
    but need to be re-examined and re-incorporated into
    our notions of reality. The MOQ has a place for ghosts
    in it's metaphysics while science can't explain them
    and so it ignores them or just laughs at them.

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