RE: MD When is a metaphysics not a metaphysics?

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Mon Nov 24 2003 - 11:39:05 GMT

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Democracy in the MOQ"

    Hi Matt

    I think we've gone about as far into mutual understanding as we are
    going to go. As happens many times when discussing the differences
    between Pirsig and pragmatism, because I see them as so close, it turns
    into a shouting match of "You're the Kantian." "No, you're the
    Kantian." "No, you are!" "NO, YOU are!" "No, you are!" "NO, you
    are!" So, let's see if I can't straighten out some of this mess from my
    point of view.

    Enough for one thread, I agree. As such, I won't go point by point
    through this post except to say that YOU are the Kantian :-). One thing
    though, I think the "mess" is more to do with the email medium than the
    content - whilst it's been difficult to follow, I think there were some
    good points raised which have at least helped my understanding of where
    you and the neo-pragmatists are coming from, even when I disagree.



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