Date: Mon Nov 24 2003 - 19:51:35 GMT
Dear All!
Great job Horse! Just a little reflection on the "topic" bit. It may be the
only thing that sets the MF apart from the MD, but on the other hand
it is a restriction and maybe what caused its decline. Don't you (all)
think it would be possible to let topics develop by themselves - only
with the "caveat" that it is to be a Pirsig site - no other thinkers or
systems in the sense of showing how much better they are, but of
course allowed to point to similarities, underpinning special parts and
such. I believe such MF would regulate itself and need no moderation
and that several topics could run simultaneously. These are just stray
thoughts, any comments?
Hello All,
I believe it has been established that the MD is not dominated by the MoQ,
and has not been dominated by the MoQ for some time.
I hope the MF will be a most refreshing change to counterbalance this sorry
state of affairs, and to facilitate MoQ integrity, i hope the MF will be
thoroughly regulated.
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