Re: MD The Matt-Paul Debates

Date: Tue Nov 25 2003 - 22:15:13 GMT

  • Next message: Horse: "MD Rebirth of MOQ_FOCUS"

    In a message dated 11/25/03 5:00:35 PM GMT Standard Time,

    > I'm led to the conclusion, thanks to Paul's probing questions and
    > Matt's answers that not only is Rorty right when he said, "Truth is
    > what your contemporaries let you get away with," but that to him and
    > his followers, "Morality is what your contemporaries let you get away
    > with." The other day I happened to run across a similar quote
    > attributed to Andy Warhol: "Art is what you can get away with."
    > Considering the lack of aesthetic value of Warhol's art, I'm not
    > surprised to see him echoing the postmodernist refrain. :-)
    > Be that as it may, thanks to Matt's clarifications, it looks to me like
    > "intersubjective agreement" has seen better days.
    > Platt

    Hi Platt,
    The worrying thing as far as i can discern is that matt's position gives the
    green light to any despot who wishes to impose a social imperative under the
    guise of intellectual argumentation. What a pile of garbage.

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